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By maintaining product quality, our company offers architects the option of designing customized light fixtures for specific projects. We’ll meet with you, the architects, as early as the planning stage, to hear about the special concept and develop the light fixture that is suited to the nature of the project, together. To do this, we’ll match the relevant products with an emphasis on high performance quality, product quality, and quality of the raw materials.
Our company offers architects the option to design customized lighting fixtures - a picture of a drawing


כתובת גינצבורג 10, ראשון לציון

תאורה לשדות תעופה

תאורה למרכזי ספורט

תאורה לבתים פרטיים

תאורה למרכזי מזון

Our Services:

Office Lighting  |  Lighting for Shopping Centers  |  Hospital Lighting  |  Lighting Hotels  |  Outdoor lighting  |  Lighting for malls  |   Airport Lighting  |  Lighting for Sports Centers  |  Lighting For Private Homes |   Lighting for food centers

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